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December 28, 2010

Enchilada verdura

Ingredients for 4 portions 

6 large tortilla / s (wheat tortillas) 
1 small zucchini 
2 pepper (s), red and yellow 
1 small eggplant (s) 
1 can of tomato (n), with juice 
1 cup creme fraiche or sour cream 
1 bag cheese, grated 
1 kl. Can / n corn 
1 can kidney beans 
Two tomato (n), fresh 
Salt and pepper 
Chili broken, or fresh 
any butter for the mold 


Wash vegetables and cut into cubes with oil, salt and pepper in a large frying pan. The can of tomatoes into a pot and mash the tomatoes with a wooden spoon into small pieces. Caution, it can squirt! Season with salt, pepper and some chili. Light can bring to a boil and remove from heat. 

Wheat tortillas on a plate and fill in the middle with the fried vegetables. Something spread on tomato sauce, spread sour cream or creme fraiche to taste and cheese on it and roll up the tortillas. Not crowded pack, or does not buy him! 

Send to a refractory, possibly lightly greased mold.If all roles are in the shape, spread with sour cream or creme fraiche and tomato sauce, so they do not become dry during baking. Finish with cheese. Ca. 15 - 20 min at 200 ° C top and bottom jaws. 

Preparation time: 30 minutes