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January 28, 2011

Cake Recip - American Double Choc Brownies

Ingredienst for 1 Portions 

230 g Chocolate (bittersweet)
130 g Butter
140 g Flour
210 g Sugar
½ tsp Baking powder
¼ tsp Salt
1 pack Vanilla sugar
3 Egg (s) (Size M)
1 point Chocolate (milk or white)


By bringing the chocolate 200 g, 120 g butter to melt, stir and let cool slightly. The remaining chocolate crush (best crumble in a freezer bag). Mix flour, baking powder and salt. Eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar until fluffy and add the lukewarm chocolate mixture. The flour mixture gradually to seven and everything carefully stir into a dough. Now fold in the remaining chocolate chips. Alternatively, you can also take a hand full of chopped walnuts. 

A Brownie baking pan (about 23 x 23 cm) with the remaining butter fat, add the dough and flatten it. Then add with a grate on the middle rack for 20-25 minutes in the preheated oven to 180 degrees. Here the right time to be found so that the inside is still pretty moist brownies and are fussy. Best while remaining 20 minutes. If the border is very dark brown nicely, they would have to be ready. 

After cooling, either on its left or coat with whole milk chocolate coating chocolate and decorate with white diagonally striped. Cut into 16 squares (or 32 smaller rectangles). 

Very suitable for freezing. After freezing, thaw briefly and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Preparation time: 40 min
Resting time: 1 hour