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January 26, 2011

UK Recip - Roast beef

Ingredienst for 10 Portions 

3 kg Roast beef
3 tablespoons Ghee or clarified butter or oil
Salt and pepper, black and green from the mill


The meat parry and cut the fat layer above carefully diamond-shaped (caution here: Do not cut into meat). In a sauté pan large enough meat around in enough fat. Then add salt and pepper, place in the 200 ° C preheated oven and turn down to 160 ° C. 

Check with a meat thermometer, the core temperature: 50 ° C, when reached, turn off the oven, leave in the flesh but until a core temperature reaches 57 °. The exact time depends on the thickness of the piece of meat. 

Because it in the oven already had the rest, the meat may be served with this method immediately. It tastes but also cold, sliced thin.
Preparation time: 10 min