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January 01, 2011

Braised beef with vinegar and cream

Ingredients for 4 Portions 

3 tablespoons Butter
800 g Beef roast
(shoulder or another Schmorstück)
1 tbsp Flour
1 small Onion (s), quartered
50 ml Vinegar
(wine vinegar or balsamic)
200 ml Broth
100 ml Cream


Heat oil in a not too large pot of butter. The piece of meat with flour, add along with the quartered onion and brown well on all sides. Take care that the onions are not too dark. Pour the vinegar to evaporate completely and leave. The meat with salt and freshly ground pepper. First, pour the broth, then cream. A well-fitting lid, reduce heat and simmer for about 3 hours. 

After cutting the end of cooking the meat into pieces the pot, and pour the sauce beautifully bound. 
The original leaflet is Rahmkartoffel mashed potatoes or with steamed vegetables. 

Tip: I always prepare twice as much (especially the sauce) to taste warmed twice as good. With us there is always about the children as pasta and salad, it tastes but also the Great. 
Prima Sauerbraten replacement.

Preparation time: 30 min