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January 01, 2011

Original Wiener schnitzel with parsley potatoes

Ingredients for 4 Portions 

4 Veal cutlet
2 Egg (s)
12 small Potato (n), waxy
4 tablespoons Parsley, roughly chopped
2 tsp Lard
Flour, plain
Bread crumbs
n. B. Oil (corn oil)
1 tbsp Cream, whipped


Boil potatoes, peel and set aside. The pulp wash and pat dry. Then cover with plastic wrap and gently pat. The fiber of the meat does not tear and the chips should be between 3 and maximum of 5 mm thick. The cut edges so that the chips do not wind up later. 

On both sides lightly with salt and pepper. Salt the eggs vigorously with a fork with a tablespoon of whipped cream, devious, but not mix, egg yolks and whites should therefore not be quite mixed. The chips then in flour, press lightly and pull through the egg. The crumbs they are best in a deep form, the chips sets out to cover it then from the side with the breadcrumbs and press them very lightly. Business, and the whole thing again. 

In a heavy iron pan about 2 - 3 cm high pour corn oil and heat together with the two tablespoons of lard (so that the steak tastes like it, as done previously would have been fried in lard). Then the chips into the hot fat and put on both sides until golden brown. Important: The chips must immediately after the breading into the fat. It must be so much fat in the pan, that swim the chips. During the frying pan, the pan slightly, then lifts the banner on the meat and gets waves). 

The potatoes in half, abundant lather butter in a pan and invert the potatoes briefly. The potatoes may not cook and brown. Sprinkle with coarse salt and chopped parsley - remove from fire. 

The steak with the potatoes on a plate, next to on a lettuce leaf a piece of lemon. In many Viennese inns for veal and cranberry served - tastes great 

Good steak is not as easy as people think. We must knock them in any case too strongly, because otherwise they will be dry. After the breading can not lie, never save the fat and move the steak in baking time and again, otherwise the breading sticks to the meat. Always the egg with salt than the meat, I take a teaspoon full of eggs.

Preparation time: 45 min